Saturday, March 22, 2014

Using the Showme App to demonstrate understanding!

I have found it very useful to ask students to explain the process of solving an equation using the Showme app. First,  I tell them to imagine that we have a new student in our class and their job is to teach him/her how to solve equations with a missing addend using the Open Number Line.

I can use this as a diagnostic tool to help better understand each student's misconceptions or errors as well as their ability to use or not use mathematical language. For example, in Cassidy's explanatin, I might ask her to focus on keeping her digits in the correct columns when writing down vertical equations.  This activity is just one more way to get children talking about math which will help them to articulate their thoughts when they are asked to write their explanations. This is also a great tool to use during parent teacher conferences. The videos can also be emailed to parents. The children really enjoy this activity. To facilitate the process, I place a class roster next to the Word Problem and as each student finishes, they check their own name off and tap the next person on the shoulder. This goes on throughout the day using a single ipad.  Enjoy!

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